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Stone Smoked for Lighting Up

PISTOL CREEK JUNCTION -- The local police department has issued a warrant for the arrest of actress Sharon Stone for smoking in public.

Pistol Creek Junction has the strictest anti-smoking laws in the nation and maintains an absolute zero tolerance policy on the use of tobacco in all public places. Stone has been charged with over fifty separate infractions, one for every scene and each showing of Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addition at the Big River Outlet Mall Cineplex 36.

"This is ridiculous -- totally absurd," said a spokesman for movie studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. "What's the problem? This is a movie, not reality. There's no health risk of second hand smoke."

Stone reprises her role as novelist Catherine Tramell, who is once again in trouble with the law. Scotland Yard appoints psychiatrist Dr. Michael Glass to evaluate her, who, like Detective Nick Curran before him, is entranced by Tramell and lured into a seductive game

"Zero tolerance means zero tolerance, it is as simple as that," said Calabash County District Attorney Jack Meddlemeister. "And just because you are a Hollywood star that doesn't mean you don't have to follow the law."

Meddlemeister denied that the arrest warrant was a reprisal for the fact that Stone's publicity tour for Basic Instinct 2 skipped over the tri-state region.

Stone could face as much as fifty years in jail, if convicted.



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